Ingredients for Ajnpren soup with eggs (for 2 persons)
- 4 big spoons of oil
- 2 big spoons of flour
- 2 big spoons of semolina
- half an onion
- minced red pepper
- 1 egg

1. Heat the oil in a pot with half and onion. Stir in the flour and semolina with wooden spoon. Continue to stir until flour is golden in color.
2. Add minced red pepper (cca one little spoon, or how much you like).
3. Slowly add half liter of water, stir a little bit, and leave it to cook for about 10 minutes.
4. Then add beaten egg in the soup and mix it well.
5. Leave to cook for few minutes.
This soup goes great with croutons or cubes of old bread.