Buchteln – sweet yeast rolls with jam are perfectly soft and heavenly light. I usually fill them with apricot jam, but recently I really liked them with raspberry jam.

I always add a tea spoon of grated lemon zest, which you can buy in the store or you can grate it yourself. If you grate lemon by yourself, be sure to buy a BIO lemon, or if one is not available, leave an ordinary lemon in a glass with water and baking soda for a couple of hours to let the toxins out.
As I wrote in the recipe, buns will sometimes be more and sometimes less. It all depends on how much the dough has risen and how big balls you have made. But this amount of flour is enough to fill a round pan, because the buns will still grow during baking.
They are best warm, with coffee or tea.

- 400 g of flour
- 1 egg
- 60 g of sugar
- 80 g of melted butter
- 1 packet of instant yeast (7 g)
- 2 dcl of warm milk
- 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
- a pinch of salt
- + 20 g of melted butter for coating
- + thick jam for filling
- + powdered sugar for sprinkling

- Put the flour in a plastic bowl, then add the other ingredients little by little.
- Knead a smooth dough with your hands, then close the bowl and leave it on a warm place for about an hour for the dough to rise.
- When the dough has doubled, take a round baking tray and spread it with butter and sprinkle with flour.
- Take a piece of dough, shape it into a ball (about the size of an apricot, maybe a little smaller), then flatten it slightly and with the help of a tea spoon insert little bit of jam, then fold it and shape it into a ball.
- Roll the bun in melted butter and place in the middle of the baking tray.
- Spread the whole dough in the same way, stacking the balls in a circle on a baking sheet.

- They don’t need to be squeezed together because they will eventually grow even more and fill in the gaps.
- The buns will sometimes be larger and sometimes smaller, depending on how much dough has risen and what size you have made, but that is no reason to worry because in the end it will surely fill the entire tray.
- When you have used up the whole dough, leave the buns to stand for another 15 minutes to rise a little more. Meanwhile, turn on the oven at 200 ° C.
- After the oven has warmed up and the buns have risen a little, place them in the oven and reduce the heat to 180 ° C. Bake for about 40 minutes.
- When the buns are baked, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.