Salsa sauce with tomatoes and peppers

Every summer I get a lot of home-grown tomatoes and peppers, so I turn them into Salsa sauce and prepare it for the winter. There is nothing better than the scents of the summer in the middle of the winter. Salsa sauce (which is basically made only from tomatoes), serves me as a base for…

Pickled Beetroot For Winter

Beetroot is extremely healthy vegetable. It’s great for anemia, but it also lowers blood pressure, provides energy, helps digestion, is full of antioxidants, preserves immunity … There are numerous benefits to our health that this beautiful pink vegetable gives us, and it doesn’t have many calories (twice less as banana). So if you wanna enjoy…

Oven-baked Plum Jam

Oven-baked Plum Jam is very easy to make. Plums are sweet enough to bake them without any additions, but if you like aromatic taste, try with this recipe. If you bake 2 kg of plums, you will get approximately 1 liter of jam (so you can prepare jars). Ingredients for Oven-baked Plum Jam: Preparation: 1….