
Smarne are similar to pancakes, but much more easier to make. You can eat Smarne with something sweet, like honey or jam, but you can also eat them in salty version, with cream cheese and lettuce salad.

Ingredients for Šmarne (for 2 persons):

  • 1 egg
  • 2 dcl of milk
  • 100 g of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of sugar
smarne recipe


  1. Mix in a bowl one egg with a pinch of salt and sugar, and gradually add milk and flour.
  2. Dough should be a little bit ticker than the one for the pancakes
  3. Pour half of the mixture into the pan with little bit of hot oil and let it brown slightly.
  4. Then turn the mixture to the other side and tear it to pieces with spatula – VIDEO.
  5. Leave it on heat to get brown.
  6. Take Šmarne out from the pan, and put them on a plate.
  7. Repeat the process with the other half of the mixture.

Serve warm with cheese cream and lettuce salad, and if you want a sweet version, you can add jam or honey.