Stuffed Peppers

In the summer heat when it is difficult to cook every day, you can make stuffed peppers in the evening and eat them for a few days.

If you run out of peppers while filling, make the meat balls and cook them all together, they will be also very tasty.

Ingredients for the recipe Stuffed peppers:

For meat

  • 70 dkg of minced mixed (pork and beef) meat
  • 1 larger onion
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup of rice
  • salt, chopped parsley, red ground pepper
  • 1 kg of bell peppers

For sauce

  • 1 liter of tomato sauce
  • 2 l of soup stock (or plain water)
  • parsley and celery, salt and sugar
Preparation of stuffed peppers:
  1. Chop the onion and garlic, and add them to the meat together with the other ingredients (egg, rice, salt and parsley, ground pepper).
  2. Mix the mixture well, you can do it with your hands.
  3. It is common that the rice is added raw, but I like to cook it in the soup stock for a few minutes because it gets a better taste, and it also swells a bit, so the meat mixture doesn’t change much volume after cooking.
  4. Wash a kilogram of peppers, cut a circle around the stalk with a knife, remove it and then clean the peppers from the pits through this hole.
  5. In a large pot, put a liter of tomato sauce and add 2 liters of soup stock or water. Add salt to the liquid, small teaspoon of sugar, celery and parsley (maybe a couple of bay leaves). Let it boil.
  6. Stuff the peppers with the meat, but if you haven’t cooked the rice, don’t fill them all the way in but leave about 2 cm of space to the edge of the opening as the rice will swell during cooking.
  1. Place the stuffed peppers in a pot to cook in the tomato sauce for about an hour and a half, making sure the liquid covers all the peppers. When the peppers are soft you can take them out.

Stuffed peppers are better when eaten the next day (reheated), and served with mashed potatoes.

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