Amazing pie with crumple topping and delicious apple filling. Very easy to make! Ingredients for Crumble Apple Pie Preparation of Crumble Apple Pie: 1. Grind the peeled apples in the bowl and sprinkle them with cinnamon, if it’s necessary add one spood of sugar and stir.2. Mix softened butter with sugar and add 1 egg…
Oznaka: winter meals
Baked beans with sausage
Ingredients for “Baked beans with sausage” (for 2 persons): half an onion 2 clove of garlic 300 g of beans 2 small carrots or 1 big 1 big spoon of tomato sauce cca 250 g of semi dry sausage Preparation: 1. Put the beans in a pot and left it to soak in a water…
Cabbage in tomato sauce
Ingredients for ‘Cabbage in tomato sauce’: half an onion half a head of cabbage half liter of tomato sauce Preparation: 1. Cut the cabbage into strips, and onion into small cubes. 2. Stew it all together, on little bit of oil, until it softens. 3. Pour tomato sauce on it, and leave it on heat…